On April 9-10, passionate and highly motivated college faculty delegates and observers gathered virtually to lay out and rank the top demands the bargaining team will take to the table. Access the Bargaining Team’s update below, to read about the final demands and events of the meeting.
A Broad overview of the approved final demands:
Bargaining for better working conditions for all:
- Ensuring that all faculty workload is accurately measured, recorded and compensated
- Ensuring that faculty workload measurements reflected current changes in our profession, including student needs and delivery modes
- Improving wages and benefits, including dental implants and medical cannabis
- Strengthening language around the role and workload of coordinators
- Strengthening faculty ability to choose to engage in work opportunities outside the college, which supports research, currency, and industry expertise.
Bargaining for a better College system:
- Creating shared governance structures to ensure a meaningful role for faculty in academic decision-making
- Establishing faculty ownership of all educational materials produced in the course of employment; recognize faculty ownership of all educational performances in the course of emplpoyment
- Streghtheninig decision-making authority over course materials and modes of evaluation
- Ensure that all academic work is performed by faculty who are employees of that College
- Ensuring a responsible balance between full time and non-full time faculty at each college
- Strengthening language to prevent bullying/harassment./racisim and to provide oversight and accountability
- Improving efficiency, fairness, equitability, and cultural sensitivity of dispute resolution processes
- Strengthening language to ensure equity, diversity, and inclusion of equity seeking groups in hiring, retention, advancement, workload, and compensation
Bargaining for partial load faculty
- Ensuring that all work performed by partial load faculty is appropriately and equitably recognized, recorded, and compensated – including work done outside of the contract period
- Improving partial load staffing and job security
Bargaining for counsellors
- Establish minimum complements of full time counsellors at each College
Bargaining for librarians
- Establish minimum complements of full time librarians at each College