A. Complaints

You have twenty (20) days to discuss the issue with your immediate supervisor.  This “discussion” can be in person, or if appropriate in email. 

note: timelines are strictly enforced, except in the case of Article 4 (Discrimination/Bullying/Psychological Harassment) complaints/grievances, where the member is required to act in a “reasonable” time to make a complaint and/or file a grievance. The remaining timelines are still strictly enforced

[ from our Collective Agreement ] 

32.01         It is the mutual desire of the parties that complaints of employees be adjusted as quickly as possible and it is understood that if an employee has a complaint, the employee shall discuss it with the employee’s immediate supervisor within 20 days after the circumstances giving rise to the complaint have occurred or have come or ought reasonably to have come to the attention of the employee in order to give the immediate supervisor an opportunity of adjusting the complaint. 

Your immediate supervisor has seven (7) days to respond; failing to respond is also a response.

32.01         …The discussion shall be between the employee and the immediate supervisor unless mutually agreed to have other persons in attendance. The immediate supervisor’s response to the complaint shall be given within seven days after discussion with the employee.

Prior to the discussion, you may wish to discuss the matter with your Local Steward or union executive officer; you can contact them by email or you can call the Local’s office.  For instance, your Chief Steward or your Local President can assist you in determining the validity of your complaint and possible remedies. As well, at any stage of the grievance process, you can be accompanied by and/or represented by a Union Steward.

B. Grievances

You have seven (7) days to file your written grievance after your supervisor’s response (or lack thereof).  You can file this directly, or with the assistance of the  Chief Steward or Local President.

Note: timelines are strictly enforced, except in the case of Article 4 (Discrimination/Bullying/Psychological Harassment) complaints/grievances, where the member is required to act in a reasonable time to make a complaint and/or file a grievance. The remaining timelines are still strictly enforced

32.02         Failing settlement of a complaint, it shall be taken up as a grievance (if it falls within  the  definition  under  32.11  C)  in  the  following  manner  and  sequence provided it is presented within seven days of the immediate supervisor’s reply to the complaint…

32.11 C      “Grievance”  means  a  complaint  in  writing  arising  from  the  interpretation, application, administration or alleged contravention of this Agreement.

The written grievance should be brief, and outline: the nature of the grievance, the surrounding circumstances, and the remedy sought.  It is advisable that you seek the assistance of the Chief Steward, the Local President, or another union representative, to help you formulate the wording of your grievance. 

32.02         …An employee shall present a signed grievance in writing to the College President or his/her designee setting forth the nature of the grievance, the surrounding circumstances and the remedy sought.

B1. Grievance Meeting

A meeting will be arranged within fifteen (15) days. This will be a meeting with the Assistant Director of HR, the HR representative for your school, your manager / immediate supervisor, any additional parties included in the grievance, and possibly your Dean.  

32.02         …The College President or his/her designee shall arrange a meeting within 15 days of the receipt of the grievance at which the employee, a Union Steward, and an additional representative designated by the Union Local shall be present if requested by the employee, the Union Local or the College. The College President or his/her designee may have such persons or counsel attend as the College President or his/her designee deems necessary

This meeting is when the grievance will be laid out in detail; it is important to have all the relevant details presented at this meeting.  It is usually advisable to have a briefing with the Chief Steward and/or the Local President prior to this meeting.

B2. Response

The College has fifteen (15) days to provide a written decision on the grievance.  

32.02         …The College President or his/her designee shall give the grievor and a Union Steward designated by the Union Local a decision in writing containing reasons supporting the decision within 15 days following the Grievance Meeting.

C. Referral to Arbitration

If you are dissatisfied with the College decision, or if the College fails to provide a written decision within that time, you may elect to refer your grievance to arbitration, in writing, within fifteen (15) days of the College’s response.

32.03 A       In the event that any difference arising from the interpretation, application, administration or alleged contravention of this Agreement has not been satisfactorily settled under the foregoing Grievance Procedure, the matter shall then be referred to arbitration, by notice in writing given to the College President or his/her designee within 15 days of the date of receipt by the grievor of the decision of the College official.

The arbitration process can be performed by a single arbitrator, or in certain cases a board of arbitration (three arbitrators, one selected by the Union, one selected by the College, and the Chair selected from a panel of arbitrators as set out in Collective Agreement). The arbitral process requires scheduling meeting dates convenient to all parties including the arbitrator(s).  Additional details on the arbitral process can be found in Article 32.03 of the Collective Agreement.

The finding of the arbitrator is final and binding upon all parties concerned.

[In the event of any discrepancy between this annotation and the Collective Agreement, be advised that the contract wording to be accurate.]